This is some of picture my bro had participate the Go Kart which is held on 3rd Aug 2008. Mr Tee (CEO of Barter Wallet) had came to see the spectacular racing go kart, the first ever in Brunei. Enjoice...
Recently i love photography in depth.
Photography release me tension and exploring me to a new world by capturing peoples life in reality. I just click it and snap it and more snap!! Photo journalist is my vision .
Virtual Weekend Offers
Welcome 2014
What happen to 2013.? Well, guess Im pretty busy or simply lazy. Seems that
last post I had was in 2012. Welcome 2014. No resolutions just
improvements. Be...
Semasa otak sedang berasap
Semasa saya di Jepun, saya lihat anak-anak pra-sekolah mereka tidak
diajarkan tentang akademik lagi. Yang ditumpukan adalah dalam pembangunan
jatidiri, a...
LEGO Friends 3315 set
This is the largest set of the Friends theme...
This is indside the bedroom...
nice bed...
This is the kitchen...
cool refrigerator...
The living room.....
Open House at Dinny's
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[image: IMG_0411]
group photo with Indra Brugman
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[image: IMG_0415]
[image: IMG_0419]
Jal with In...
New Blog
This is the last post we're going to do on this blog. We've got a new blog
which promises to be bigger and better. So you can check it out here: