This morning i was being called by Baiduri Bank. Its approved and i already collect it. Now, its time for the second steps. For me,its tougher to make a decision right now. Prices in Brunei quite expensive and limited. Now, I'm trying to look and browsing through the Internet. I try to get all the information resources on pricing with advantages before getting off to Singapore. Insyallah, after the function,then hopefully can go to Singapore. Right now, I'm in chat forum with Singaporean photographers to check with the prices. I'm sure, they know regarding this. The only resources i heard Canon 40D with lens kit approximately SGD $1600 ++.
Compare the prices here in Brunei,very much big different. So, I'll make use the money very wisely with no regret at the end of the day. If extra money comes,then need to buy flash Canon 580xII speed lite. This gear very important in all aspects of photographers. Tonight, went for rehearsal at 7.30pm at Muhibbah Room again. The dancers were also here, so that the singers can adapt the steps. I just got CD from Hans to take minus 1 songs again for my single performance. My songs will be "Getaran Jiwa" by P.Ramlee,and my attire will be all in white suits. Feel tired and dizzy,don't know why.
See you..