Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I went lepak to Bandar with Milin,Joe and Birin. Membuang stress lagipun bisuk Public Holiday. I parked my car arah siring Bank Taib. Ku suruh si Milin ambil aku di RBA Plaza. Malas ku kan jalan kaki ke padang. Then, tarus makan di Khaz Corner pasal taisliur kan makan Nasi Goreng Belutak. Tapi belutak nya inda melutak(banyak). Ramai jua urang di bandar, di tambah lagi Goverment Servant terima udah. Sayangnya i didnt bring my camera. We could see banyak the whole family went to Padang. Well, where is my family?? Both my parents outstation having meeting business in KL. Si Jeff di belait, and somehow sibuk dengan kraja. Tried to call him and sms but nil reply, maybe nada credit kali.
So, at last went for jalan2 with them. Si milin lagi parking jauh, dakat Garai Kianggeh ia parking. Inda apa, exercise!! After round2 di padang ,then lepak di Taman, meliat kelibat kanak2 main Bula sambil makan. Keraja kami duduk, nyuci mata sambil mengumpat, lapas atu ketawa tebahak. Nearly 11pm,then kami went to De'Fountain Cafe di Kiulap sambil meliat American Next Top Model. Ada kali sejam labih, lepak and cerita2. Sampat lagi kami begambar pakai hp si Joe.M, pasal my hp camera pixelnya inda so clear kalau waktu malam. Sayang, i didnt bring my camera.
This afternoon, i went to Baiduri Bank di Yayasan, and end up meeting with Sales Staff to quotate my loan on my consumer goods (Camera),look alike he's got a positive response on my loan, but yet need to get approval from Approval Dept and have to review reagrding about my loan. This is my second time,the 1st time was unsuccessful due limited of basic salary. But now, hopefully i get it. I cant resist my hobby as Photographer. I know its expensive items but satisfaction inside is there. The guy who attended is luckily is the supervisor of sales staff. I grab his business card and persuading him on my loan. huh! tough day but yet tough decision.
Btw, Selamat menyambut Israk Mikraj.

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